Intrinsic Motivation Improved Through Art
Bridge Academy, Bridgeport, Ct / Freshman Class Selfie art, Spring 2017 Student Self-Driven Art Activity The above art was done by 9th grade students at Bridge Academy in the Spring of 2017. As the art teacher at the school I witnessed a very interesting evolution during the two week period with this particular group. For the majority of the school year I presented students with common core based classic art curriculum that was age appropriate. I found their interest to be marginal at best even though many in the group displayed artistic talent. Clearly the intrinsic motivation , source of motivation within an individual (Human Learning 6th edition 2012, Ormrod, Chptr16, p 428), was deficient due to the fact the many of my students suffer from emotional affects from their urban community. I had experienced first hand the drive reduction or self-handicapping response from students too often during the last school year. After doing research on this topic, Maslow's the...